M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung Fu – Orange to Advanced Orange Belt


The Martial Arts Training Resource for Insight and Execution into Kung-Fu (M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung-Fu) program is designed to provide those students who are training in Sho Biyn Jiu Kung-Fu with a supplemental source to assist with their training. Select your desired course (e.g. Yellow Belt to Advanced Yellow Belt) before adding this item to your cart. You will then be enrolled into the appropriate course within 1 business day, and you will be emailed a link to begin your course. Note: you are only permitted to enroll in a course that is at or below your actual rank. Example: if you are a white belt and you select Brown Belt material, the instructor will enroll you in the white belt to advanced white belt course. Feel free to email [email protected] before purchasing, if you have any questions.

The Martial Arts Training Resource for Insight and Execution into Kung-Fu (M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung-Fu) program is designed to provide those students who are training in the Sho Biyn Jiu style Kung-Fu system with a supplemental source to assist with their training. Our curriculum at Plus One Defense Systems is broken into pods.  The M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung-Fu program covers the material in these pods in a tutorial style fashion that will help you remember what you are studying in class and get more out of your in-home practice.

Different than our other online programs, the M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung-Fu program is only available on a level-by-level fashion.  That is, if you are a white belt, you may only purchase the advanced white belt curriculum.  Once you have obtained the level of advanced white belt, you may then purchase the yellow belt curriculum… and so forth.

Kung-Fu is very specific and technical.  While the M.A.T.R.I.X. Kung-Fu program is an excellent tool to add to your toolbox for in-home study, it is not meant to be a replacement for classroom instruction.  In other words: enjoy the program, train hard, and we’ll see you in class!

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